"AMFI-registerd Mutual Fund Distributor"

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Two decades of experience in financial services, various forms of interaction with clients, at different levels and magnitude, and the void between demand and supply ratio (between investor’s expectation and services delivered) led to the formation and launch of Prowin Finserve.

The Myth - Many of us have a good profile and well-paid jobs, fast-track career. We are so engrossed in our jobs that we forget to manage our finances. Interestingly none of the academic curriculums have a very important Life skill called – Money Management (ie Personal Finance).

Money earned is invested based on hear-say or some friend's advice or worse at the insistence of a Bank RM or a neighbourhood agent, without much thought. Many times, money just lies in the bank, and it is frittered away in frivolous spending.

Income is not wealth. We celebrate life in various ways, but we fail to plan our finances, which impacts life in total!

In my experience, it’s been observed that the investor is short of time, temperament or interest (?) to evaluate investment options presented to him. On other hand, the seller is in a hurry to sell- the so called the flavour of the season (or should I say the most profitable product for himself). Needless to say, the end-result will is neither beneficial nor worthy to the investor.

That is where holistic Investment advice based on our Goals becomes important. The Financial Planning is a simple Road-Map for our life, to help us navigate and reach our Financial Goals. It brings required clarity and discipline. We would know the reason of investment in a particular plan/product and its possible risk and reward trade off.

According to Mr. Warren Buffet, “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.”

Hence, we can safely say that financial planning reduces risk.
It optimises our resources and helps us create sustainable wealth to reach our goals and aspirations, be it our dream of buying the next big house, or enjoying a well-deserved vacation at an exotic locale or enrolling our child into an Ivy league Universities or simply planning for peaceful retirement. It works for all.